Thank You To Our Generous Supporters
Join Our Team
The Halton County Radial Railway is run primarily by volunteers who undertake many collection, museum and administration tasks on a daily basis. Volunteers work on collection restorations and displays, maintenance, gift shop management, visitor services, and marketing needs for instance. Click the link below if you have a skill to share, are interested in learning new things, or would like to work with others who share an interest.
Kids Birthday Parties
We have three options for parties held at the museum.
Back Room of the Welcome Centre or Rockwood Station. Children’s Birthday Parties (10 years & under. Minimum of 20 people required.)
A flat rate per person (no matter the age) is required, plus facility rate. Bring your own decorations, party materials and food. Snack Bar items are available at prevailing rates.

Photo and Film Opportunities
The Halton County Radial Railway offers a unique background for photographs for any occasion. It has been used for weddings, engagements and other special events to create a more memorable day. The HCRR has been used for a number of film shoots over the years. The museum has a collection of railcars, work equipment and buses from the late nineteenth century to the mid-1990s.